Wednesday 4 July 2018

term 2 reflection

term 2 reflection
Some term two highlights for me are improving in maths i have been getting better and faster at my times tables.

I think i have improved in my writing and also in my spelling but i'm struggling a bit with my punctuation

I also enjoyed our interschool with tahuna except from losing every sport but net. I'm sure james hargest will be fun as well and there is alot more sports

Monday 26 February 2018

where i'm from

where i'm from

I am from a household of laughter and grump from trees to climb and space to run from staying away long nights and days from riding motorbikes and fishing all day. 

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Dear farmer brown, I am writing to you because i [the ducks] want a water slide because it's boring and all we do is swim. We will give you eggs. So you don't run out of food. And have something to eat. And so you don't have to go all the way into town to get food. The pond is boring and there is nothing to do. So we need something to do. We will play with it heaps. We will be happy and there will be something to do. Instead of swimming. Even though you don't want it. We will still do our job. And you might be able to have a go From Liam

Sunday 30 July 2017